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Elementary Programs of Choice Applications now Open
For the 2025-2026 School Year

World Language Academy
Application Deadline: Feb. 28, 2025
Click here for WLA Information.
Elementary Program of Choice (1st – 5th Grades)
Feb. 3 – March 3, 2025 Parents notified by March 25
Go to school webpages for more information (see below)
Elementary Program of Choice (Kindergarten)
March 17 – April 11, 2025 Parents notified by April 25
Go to school webpages for more information (see below)

The Hall County Elementary Programs of Choice applications for 1st – 5th grade are now open on each school’s website with an application deadline of March 3, 2025; World Language Academy has a deadline of Feb. 28, 2025. Students who live in the school zone or in the Hall County School District but are outside the school’s attendance zone may apply. Students who live outside of the Hall County School District may also apply, but they will also have to complete the Out-of-District (Tuition) application, opening up on March 1.

Many of our elementary programs of choice are holding parent information meetings this winter/spring. For a list of meeting dates and times, please go to each school’s website, found below.

Elementary Program of Choice applications are posted on each school’s web page and are also available below under “Elementary Programs of Choice.”

World Language Academy: Click here for information about applying to WLA. Deadline is Feb. 28, 2025.

World Language Academy: Applications for World Language Academy (Pre-K and Kindergarten) are available at: https://wla.hallco.org/web/join-our-school/ 

WLA: Please be advised that to be eligible for the kindergarten lottery, which takes place during the first week of March, you must submit your application by Friday, February 28th, 2025.

Students in first through fifth grade will be contacted for an evaluation.

Por favor, complete la aplicación. Tenga en cuenta que, para ser elegible para la lotería de jardín de infantes, que tiene lugar durante la primera semana de marzo, debe completar su solicitud antes del viernes 28 de febrero del 2025.

Parent Informational Sessions at WLA ES Sesión Informativa para padres en WLA elemental
January 23rd, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. 23 de enero del 2025 a las 8:30 a.m.
February 3rd, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. 3 de febrero del 2025 a las 8:30 a.m.
February 11th, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. 11 de febrero del 2025 a las 6:00 p.m.

Parents of students who are accepted to attend a program of choice at a school outside of their attendance zone must provide transportation to and from school. (The World Language Academy has some limited options for transportation, and information about this is available at WLA).

  • Please click here for a list of HCSD elementary programs of choice
  • Please click here for more information about World Language Academy.

To apply to Da Vinci Academy: 👉 Click here

Deadline to Apply for Fall 2025: Dec. 6, 2024

👉 Click Here to see the Da Vinci Academy Application Information

Magnet Schools and Programs of Choice

The Hall County School District has been featured in both the Wall Street Journal and Forbes magazine as an example of a school system where innovation in programming and technology is being used to emphasize students’ individual strengths and interests, and, consequently, to increase the number of students engaged in rigorous coursework.

Students are assigned to schools based on their residential addresses, and all schools have a variety of excellent programming options to meet students’ needs. However, it is our belief that students are most successful when they are involved in programs that engage and motivate them, that capitalize on their unique talents and interests.

Hall County Schools offers a school choice program that makes a highly personalized education available to all students. Currently, the system offers many magnet schools and programs of choice to bring innovative curricula to students in a more concerted effort to meet their individual needs.

Students may apply to a school with a certain focus or to a school with a unique program that matches their individual interests, aptitudes, and goals. Except for Howard E. Ivester Early College, Lanier College Career Academy, and World Language Academy (in some instances), parents of students who live outside the school’s attendance zone must provide transportation.

HCSD Virtual Program of Choice for Grades 3 – 12

The purpose of the HCSD Virtual Program of Choice is to build a connected community of teachers, staff, families, and students who will thrive in virtual learning. It is designed for 3rd – 12th grade students who:

  • Desire a virtual choice
  • Demonstrate success in a virtual environment
  • Can work independently
  • Have access to internet

Accepted students will take all of their classes virtually. The virtual classes will have both synchronous and asynchronous components, and students can expect to have regularly scheduled live class sessions every week during the school day, as well as independent learning activities. Students can participate in after-school extracurricular activities in their home school ((zoned school or where student is currently enrolled). For more information: VirtualPOC.Hallco.org

Director/Principal: Mr. Scott Tipton

Magnet Schools Listing

Like Charter Schools, Magnet School concepts were developed through a thoughtful, comprehensive planning process during which parents, teachers and administrators “dreamed a school.”

After reaching consensus on innovative or unique educational options for all students, these schools gained approval from the Hall County Board of Education to use a focused, school-wide approach for increased engagement and achievement.

If families are interested in their children attending a Magnet School to which they are not zoned, they may submit an application to the school.

Magnet School Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year

For students entering 1st – 12th grade, parents may complete a transfer request form for a Magnet School from November 1 – December 13 by clicking the link to the 2025-2026 Magnet/HB 251 In-District Transfer Application , and parents will be notified by February 13 of acceptance decisions. More information regarding all transfers will is available at: Transfer Information – Hall County Schools. You are required to upload 2 proofs of residency with your application, click here for the list of approved documents. Applications without acceptable proof of residency will be delayed and will not be considered until proofs of residency are received and approved.

For students entering Kindergarten: To enroll your child in kindergarten, parents/guardians must first register their child in their zoned school during the kindergarten registration period, beginning in March during kindergarten registration. (Please refer to the School Attendance Map at School Attendance Zones – Hall County Schools to find the zoned school.) Once kindergarten students are registered to their zoned schools, parents/guardians may complete a Transfer Request Form that will be posted on the Transfer Information – Hall County Schools in early March.

Competitive Programs of Choice

Any Hall County School District student may apply to a Program of Choice in his or her area of interest, regardless of home school assignment. Students are selected to participate in Programs of Choice through a competitive application process during which they are evaluated for the match between strengths and interests and the program goals, specialized content and instructional approaches.

Parents of selected students who live outside the school’s attendance zone must provide transportation. For applications and information about the selection process, please see the school’s webpage.

Elementary School Programs of Choice

Middle School Programs of Choice

High School Programs of Choice