Will Schofield

Will Schofield

Superintendent of Schools

Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning

Executive Director of Secondary Education

Matthew Alexander

Literacy and Numeracy Elementary Director

Karla Swafford

Karla Swafford

Assistant Superintendent

Joey Millwood

Director of Student Services

Anna Sargent

Dr. Anna Sargent

Director of Federal Programs

Laura Lucas

Director of Title I Services

Dr. Laurie Ecke

Director of Innovative and Advanced Programs

Rhonda Samples

Executive Director of Career, Technical & Agricultural Education

Heather Barrett

Assistant Director of CTAE

Cheryl Jones

Cheryle Jones

Director of School Nutrition

Clay Hobbs

Director of Transportation

Stan Lewis

Director of Community Relations and Athletics Title IX Coordinator

Andy Betancourt

Andy Betancourt

Safety and Security Assistant

Brad Brown

Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources

Aaron Turpin

Assistant Superintendent of Technology

Matt Cox

Executive Director of Facilities & Construction

Jonathan Boykin

Jonathan Boykin

Finance Officer

Jamey Moore

Director of Strategic Operations
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